This review was written by my teen daughter A . All of the opinions are hers, and are honest. This post may contain affiliate links and giveaway instructions, please see my disclosure policy for more information.
If you have a teen daughter, granddaughter, or someone you love that is trying to navigate through these difficult years, this book is exactly for them. I follow Kate Conner through social media and her blog, and when I saw that she was writing a book just for teen girls I got very excited. Kate is a wonderful blogger and I could only imagine what her book would be like. The week it came out I went to my book store and bought the only copies of “10 Things” and “Enough” ( the moms companion) that they had left. Let’s just say that this book soon became a favorite of my daughters and she couldn’t put it down. I asked her write a review on the book for Family Christian, and she was more than happy to.
There is also a giveaway for this book below. Don’t forget to enter to win a book of your own!
” My mom gave me this book one Sunday after church. I read the front and back cover, I was hooked! It looked like something that could help me through my teen years. I read three chapters that day and really enjoyed a lot.
I love that she is speaking on my level, a teenage girl level. She wasn’t explaining or talking in a boring way, she was talking to me like I was her best friend.
What stood out to me was how she was explaining that we are perfect the way we are. That we don’t have to keep wishing we were different. For example, I wish I was thinner, I wish my hair was straighter, I wish my legs were longer, and more.
She said that GOD made us the way we were, perfect. You don’t have to be super model skinny, Just exercise regularly, and eat well. Real advice.
My personal story with this book is when Kate was talking about girl drama. There is girl drama no matter where you live or how old you are. I’ve had enough drama of my own, and she guides you how to go through it, ignore it, and basically how to not be a part of it.
I would recommend this book to every teen or even pre-teen girls. This is not your old-granny ( Her words, ha ha.) explaining things. It talks about boys, modesty, girl drama, social media, smoking, your personal life, family, PMS, emotions, and everything a teen girl survives through in the 21st century.
This would be a perfect Christmas gift.”
I tweeted @kateeconner and she retweeted my tweet.We were excited! Here is the tweet.
Just bought our books #Enough and #10Things today. My daughter is already loving the book! Thank you @kateeconner
— Alana (@futurehopecom) August 3, 2014
There is a moms companion book that I mentioned above. It is “Enough” by Kate Conner. This is great to read along with as your daughter as she reads “10 Things”, then you can have dicussions about what you’ve read. It opens up the doors for those difficult discussions you may have been trying to find the right time for.
I have two teen daughters who are very different, but what I want for them is the same - a heart that desires to please God above all else. This book (actually, both books) sound great and I would love to win!
Thanks for your review, A. You did a terrific job!
Tracee recently posted…30 Days of Thanks – Day 20
I definitely remember how hard it was being a teenage girl, and a book like this would have been great.
I love that you had your daughter give the review!
Erin recently posted…Get the Look: Kendall Jenner
I have two girls in their early twenties. Thanks for the review. Have to check it out.
Great review. Would love to get this book for my teen. Thank you for your honest review.
Joyce@MyStayAtHomeAdventures recently posted…52 Week Saving Challenge Week 47
Would’ve loved this as a teen cause it was definitely hard.
Looks like a fantastic book and how its narrated, for young teens!
Nancy recently posted…Getting Holiday stressed
Great review. I don’ t have any children, but it did remind me of when I was a teenager.
Erin Kennedy recently posted…Facial Cleansing Sins – You May Be Hurting Your Skin and Not Know It
Great review! This definitely looks like a good book to read, even if you’re not a teen.
Jessica Doll at Team Wiking recently posted…The Color of Fall
I would love this for my cousin - and think one thing she could use encouragement in would be to continue on the path she is on…she is doing fabulous! She is at the top of her class with over a 4.0 gpa as a freshman at a prestigious high school she had to work to get into.
Lori recently posted…Mary J Blige, The London Sessions #TheLondonSessions #bLinkbiz
Thanks for sharing, this would have been a great book for when I was a teen, I will keep it in mind when my daughter gets older.
Jen @ The Halfway Homemaker recently posted…My Daughter Wears Glasses – and I Survived
Hi, Alana. This sounds like a good one I should get for my 13-year-old daughter’s stocking. Thanks for you review, Kate!
A great review! I love that you included your daughter’s thoughts. And a retweet from the author. Good job!
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