As we are about the ¾ of the way through homeschool it is always about where we begin to re-evaluate. We look at what works for our schooling, what doesn’t, different schedules, etc..right mom? One thing you may have considered or are considering now is year round homeschooling .
You may wonder if you can possible do this crazy thing called homeschool seemingly without a break, you may wonder if there are any benefits to it at all. So I wanted to share with you some reasons that it is a good idea, but of course it really matters what works best for you and your family.
7 Benefits to 7 Benefits to Year Round Homeschooling
Relaxed schedule- If you are in learning mode the majority of the year you can afford to take off unexpected days without stress, have a 4 or even 3 day school week, and not worry about “getting it all done” before May. This is probably my favorite benefit of schooling year round!
Flows with real life- When you make learning year round part of the natural rhythm of your homeschool then everything you do and everywhere you go becomes your classroom- the ebb and flow of seasons, all the Holidays, family vacations, and everything that happens throughout the year.
Year round learning- Kids who take the summer off with no review or school at all during the summer often find that they need the first month back in school to review and catch back up. This can be seen as wasting precious learning time. When you are taking shorter breaks between periods there is less chance for loss of not only knowledge but momentum.
Time for other activities- With a longer window of time to teach your chosen curriculum or whatever list of skills you feel need to be reached you give yourself more time for extracurricular activities- clubs, sports, co-op, lessons, family fun days, p days,
Choose your breaks/vacation- If you opt to school through summer you can feel much more relaxed about taking Thanksgiving through Christmas off, or taking off in February for a week long road trip to visit family. Choose your vacations in the off season instead of when the majority is vacationing- rates are usually lower, attractions are much less crowded, and the weather is often more favorable.
Avoid summer boredom- If you have ever had a child that was off for the summer between school years you have undoubtedly heard” Mom, I am soooo borrrred”. When you are constantly challenging and encouraging them to learn there is little time to be bored- and they will usually find less trouble to get into!
- Time for planning-Following any style of year round learning- 9 weeks off with 3 weeks on, 4 weeks on and 1 week off, or whatever scheduled you plan to follow provides you with plenty of time for planning each session with a fresh and renewed mind. You don’t need to spend your entire 3 months of summer planning for the next 9 weeks. This also gives you plenty of time to decide if something is working for you and if not, you can change it with the next homeschooling phase.
Do you have a year round homeshooling schedule that you would like to share with us? If you do please tell us in the comments below!
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