One of the beauties of homeschooling is choosing your own calendar. You may choose to homeschool year-round, which means you do not take a long summer break and follow a traditional calendar, or you may choose to school with a traditional calendar that follows a regular school year calendar.
Both of these calendars are great and can always be tailored to your needs as a homeschool. In this post I will go over our year-round calendar so you can see what this type of calendar might look like for you.
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I decided this year we would homeschool year-round so we could have more time in our calendar for the holiday’s and vacation, we always take vacation in the fall. This summer starting on June 22nd we will start having school two days a week, Tuesday’s and Thursday’s, I work on these two days so we would be home anyways. We will continue two days a week until August 3rd and then we start a more traditional feel to our calendar. Our last day of school will be April 25,2016. We will be getting out about a month earlier than the public schools around here. We can choose to go on a trip for spring break or just rest for a few weeks.
I use an online planner to schedule our school year. I will be doing a review on this planner in a few weeks. This planner makes it easy to reschedule days with just the touch of a button. I have attached screen shots of our calendar so you can see what this looks like.
You will need to check with your local school board to see how many days are required in your state or district. We are required to school 180 days. You can also go to HSLDA to see your states laws and requirements .
So whatever your school calendar looks like remember to just take each day as they come, there will be sick days days, and that will not go as you planned, but that is the beauty of homeschool, you just rework your calendar.
How are you planning your calendar?
Brandy @ Our Thrifty Home says
This looks like a nice clean and simple homeschool calendar. I just can’t seem to get past pen & paper. Maybe one of these days I will evolve.
We too, homeschool year round. I works great for us.
Thanks for sharing!
Brandy @ Our Thrifty Home recently posted…File Folder Games & a Giveaway!
Alana says
I switch back and forth between pen and paper, but with homeschooling 3 kids with 3 different lesson plans it can be a lot to write. I like the online calendar so if I need to switch a day around I can just drag and drop. This will be our first year-round homeschool calendar, I’m hoping it works well for us. Thank you for stopping by!