It’s kid night at the local Chick-fil-A, you bring your four kids alone and you are really trying to keep it all together. I understand. A safe place to bring your kids to eat, play, and spend some fun time with them. You found a table for everyone, across the crowded room away from the playground.
Then, the moment you dread as a mom happens, your 3-year-old starts having a meltdown and cannot be soothed. Your face flushed, you took your child to the bathroom, where I first saw you, trying to talk with your little one and help him with whatever problem might be going on. I remember thinking ” she is so good at helping her little guy, so much better than I would do”, she quieted him down and went back to her table. I left the bathroom a few minutes later, and her little one was still having an issue. Her food was now at the table, she was trying so hard to give everyone their food, and she was still so graceful.
As I went to order my food, I just smiled thinking ” I am so glad I am not the only mom who has these moments with my kiddos”. I was thankful it was kids night for her because we are mostly moms in the restaurant and we “get it”.
I was standing in line waiting to order our food and I see you come around the corner speaking with an employee, something is going on, but I’m not sure. You are crying and very upset, your son who had the meltdown was in your arms, I heard you say that something was “going to be a problem” and you continued to cry.
That is when it happened. I saw a rally of moms come to you, three of them. They listened to you, put their arms around you, and smiled. They got it. You then went on and told them that a woman had said something to you about your son having a meltdown, and now all of your kids were crying at the table because this woman scared them. You became mamma bear, you were mad, stressed, and felt your back up against the wall.
It melted my heart seeing this group of moms whom you did not know, those other mamma bears who gave you wonderful advice, who came along side your table and helped you with you other kiddos until you could compose yourself and return back to the table.
I get you!
I smiled at you in the bathroom when I saw you because “I got you”. I smiled when I saw the support of other moms around you because I saw Jesus in them. I pointed out to my son the love of the other moms because I want him to one day be one of those people, a support to those in need. I smiled because I knew you were going to be alright, and you were. By the time we got our food your kids were happy, and you were able to sit down and eat. You made it. You did it.
You are a great mom.
I will never forget the group of women who came along side this struggling mamma and told her she could do it. All moms need to hear that we can do this thing called motherhood. It is so important. We need all support we can get.
We can do this moms, we can.
I want to mother the way this mom did, she showed love to her screaming child, patience in her discipline, self-control in her reactions to others, and humility when she accepted the help from others.
I want to be more like you.
So next time you see a mom having a hard time think of how you can help. It may just be with a smile, or a hug. We are all in this mom thing together, and we need to know we are not alone.
We all smile on the inside thinking ” Thank God I’m not the only one.”
You are not alone.
I was featured at My Stay At Home Adventures Link Up Party!
Such a beautiful post!! And something I think we all need reassurance of!
Today, there was an older woman who gave my daughter a hard time. (It’s Girl Scout Cookie sales - and my daughter was born with only one hand - and at six? She couldn’t quite count back the woman her change the way she wanted her to, and hold the three boxes of cookies, and pay attention to all that was going on around her. And this woman snapped that she “should be able to do count change properly!” ) Mama Bear was coming out, but I bit my tongue, and then? As the woman left? I felt like I had failed somehow. Like I failed in not teaching my daughter to handle that better. (Geez! What is wrong with people that this is how I felt from this? Not that this woman was grumpy and needed to chill! But that I somehow failed?)
Ok, long story short? I found this post on pinterest, and it was exactly what I needed today! Thank you!
Jac recently posted…How I Found My Village
You didn’t fail, you showed your daughter self control.
She learned more from you biting your tongue than if you snapped back. Great job momma, keep it up.
P.S. I hope you sell out of all your cookies!
This is such a great little letter! I can’t believe someone would be so rude and say something about a mom’s kid, even if they are having a melt down. They should be like the other mommas and support her, help her and let her know how great of a job she’s doing! I loved reading this!
Jessica recently posted…30 Day Neat & Tidy Challenge: Day 16 - Choose Your Chore Day
Exactly, the nerve of some people amaze me. Instead of criticizing her, help support her. Thank you for stopping by Jessica!
I love this so much! We parents do need to circle the wagons and help each other in those moments. You expressed this so beautifully.

I like that, circle wagons. I have needed a few of those in the last 13 years. 😉 Thank you.
Love this story! I hope whenever I become a momma I can be like her also. I’m scared when I do have a child i’m going to be an big mess because I deal with anxiety and depression. 😛 Hopefully I won’t be though.
Robin recently posted…Worry Less So You Can LIVE More!
Thanks for sharing this experience….it is so nice to know that we aren’t alone with our “kid issues”. I cry more now then every before in my life….and it does sometimes happen in public! Nice when I know I am not being judged, but supported!
Jamie recently posted…Comment on Smoked Sausage Alfredo by Emily Smith // The Best of this Life
Such a beautiful reminder that we moms need to stick together - we’re all going through the same things with different stories. Thanks for this post!
Jamie Knupp recently posted…Getting to Know the Graco® Swivi Seat™ Highchair
What a fantastic reminder for everyone to take the time to encourage others, to pause and make a gesture of kindness. Thank you!
Michelle recently posted…My Parenting Superpower – A Smile
This is great. Usually a mom receives criticism or ugly stares.
Tami recently posted…VeggieTales Noah’s Ark DVD Review & $10 Giveaway
This is a beautiful post full of admiration and love. Way to be a super observer full of empathy.
I can only hope someone hugged my momma when she had hard days with all of us.
Leilani recently posted…5-Step Chicken and Wild Rice Soup
Great story Alana, we ALL are going through the same things in life
Ilona @ Ilona’s Passion recently posted…Feta Carrot Salad with Honey Mustard Dressing
My son threw a huge fit at Tball a few weeks ago and the other parents treated me like a pariah the rest of the time. How nice it would have been to have gotten a smile or a comforting word. Thanks for your article!
Valerie@Occasionally Crafty recently posted…Printable Planning Sheet: Daily Blogging Tasks
What a kind-hearted story! I totally adore it.
Side note: Can I mention how adorable your graphic is for the post? So cute!
Diane @ Vintage Zest recently posted…Amazing DIY Furniture Makeovers & Do Tell Tuesday #61!
This is such a WONDERFUL post! It totally made me cry the happy tears.
Katie recently posted…In The Bathtub with Meg
Wow! Beautiful, I bet she felt so loved by that.
Tara Joy recently posted…What Would Jesus Post?